To support adult volunteers in scouting, the scout association provides a comprehensive training programme to build upon existing knowledge and skills and develop new competencies.
Adult volunteers are at the heart of Scouting, and we hope that you will get every bit as much out of it as you put in. Scouting is not only about young people, but also about the development of adults within the Movement.
Getting Started Training
To support you in your first five months of volunteering with the Scouts you will need to complete your Getting Started training, these can be completed in any order.
Where you are a section leader, manager, support or trustee it’s important that these modules are completed, below there are details on which roles require which modules.
Essential Information 01
The aim of this module is to provide all adults in Scouting with the essential information needed to get started in their role.
Personal Learning Plan 02
To create a plan for an individual’s learning based on the requirements of the job and taking into account the individual’s needs. This is usually agreed with your training advisor.
The aim of this module is to keep everyone safe by providing adults in Scouting with an understanding of safety practice and responsibilities as members of the Scouts.
The aim of this module is to keep everyone safe by providing adults in Scouting with an understanding of safeguarding practice and responsibilities as a member of Scouts.
The aim of this module is to provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of what the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) means for them, their Scout Group, District and County and how to effectively align with it.
Trustee Introduction
The aim of this module is to provide the Charity or managing Trustees with information on their legal responsibilities and current regulations. You only need to complete this module if you have a role as a trustee / executive committee member.
Note: This module is for members of the board of trustees.
Tools for the Role – Section Leaders 03
The aim of this module is to provide the basic information on the individual’s role or area of responsibility and some practical help to get the individual started in the role.
Note: This module is for section leaders and requires validation.
Tools for the Role – Managers & Supporters 04
The aim of this module is to provide key information about the individual’s role, areas of responsibility and where they can find further information and support.
Note: This module is for managers & supporters and requires validation.
Area Training Team
The area training team often runs different training sessions throughout the year on microsoft teams.
Adult Personal Files
For validation, you should contact your assigned Training Advisor (TA) or the district Local Training Manager Bryan Bell.