Southern Europe AGM 2021

On Sunday 26th June 2022, Southern Europe hosted its first AGM under the new District name. A number of representatives from across the Southern Europe District were in attendance from the various countries and groups.

The AGM was led by Jordan McCullough (Acting District Commissioner), leading the meeting through the various agenda points.  During the meeting Jordan gave the annual district report giving highlights of the year in particular praising the work of all leaders on the back of COVID with fantastic growth of 14% across the whole district brining our youth numbers to 485 young people that we deliver scouting too.  It was mentioned that 1st Fuengirola (41%) and 1st Madrid (31%) both in Spain, experienced significant growth with a shout out to everyone involved with this.

Jordan also praised the successful establishment of our 1st Naples Scout Group and the success of this group for the future.  A special thanks was mentioned to Julian Moran (Group Scout Leader) at Naples as he moves on and passes the group over to his successor.

COVID also played a part in the operation of the District with European restrictions which were stricter than in the UK and varied from country to country.  Tenerife experienced the strictest COVID restrictions within the District impacting group numbers, however still managed to attract a few more scouts.  Now that Tenerife have returned to some sort of normality, the District Leadership Team will be supporting the group to rebuild their numbers.

A number of Awards and Wood Badges were obtained and presented throughout the year with 12 adult volunteers obtaining their Wood Badge, 6 adult volunteers awarded Commissioner Commendation Awards and 6 Chief Scout long Service Awards.  From the list of recipients, Jordan paid special attention and consideration to Jackie Martin (Local Training Manager) & Dianne Peel (Section Leader @ 1st Fuengirola) for 50 Years’ Service to Scouting in addition to Robert Troost (Group Scout Leader @ 1st Fuengirola) for 20 Years’ Service.  Jordan thanked these adult volunteers for a lifetime and continued commitment to enabling and providing Scouting Overseas.

The District Executive was also confirmed during the meeting welcoming some new and previous members for this next year.  Below is a confirmed list of the Southern Europe District Executive;

Francois ChapouletDistrict Chair
Lisa JamesDistrict Secretary
Robbie GibsonDistrict Treasurer
Ruth MarienfeldDistrict Commissioner (DC)
Yves GagnonDistrict Explorer Scout Commissioner (DESC)
Alice MintoffDistrict Youth Commissioner (DYC)
Gillian BarrattCommissaire France & GSL Maison-Laffitte
Jordan McCulloughDeputy District Commissioner (DDC)
Alex KendrickGroup Chair @ 1st Naples
Archana MignetASL @ 1st Chantilly
John BroxisGSL @ 1st Chantilly

Following the AGM, Jordan said:

“I am delighted to have shared some fantastic highlights from the past year within Southern Europe.  Our district continues to grow from strength to strength proven by an increase of 14% in youth membership even through the hard challenges that COVID posed against our groups.  I am also delighted that our adult volunteers continue to achieve their Wood Badge and also other Scouting Awards.  This next year is an exciting time across the district and we cannot wait to share even more brilliant news next year.  I want to welcome our new District Executive Committee who play a vital role in overseeing and supporting with the district over the next year. Finally on behalf of the District Leadership Team, I want to thank all of our adult volunteers for the time and commitment put in to delivering scouting to our young people preparing, and enabling them with Skill for Life.”  

Jordan McCullough (Acting District Commissioner)