Normandy Camporee 2022

Bayeux War Cemetery 1945 Bd Fabian Ware, Bayeux, France

Every year Boy Scouts of America hold a remembrance weekend in Normandy, although they have not held an event since 2019 due to the pandemic.  The main event takes place at the American Cemetery in Normandy on the Sunday but they would like to hold simultaneous events at the Bayeux Military Cemetery, the French cemetery […]

Special District Executive Committee Meeting

A District Executive Committee Meeting has been called as directed by the Chair. Members of the District Executive will be contacted directly with an invite to attend.

Kent International Jamboree 2022

Kent Showground Detling, Maidstone, United Kingdom

In July 2022, 50 Southern Europe Scouts and Explorers plus accompanying leaders and volunteers are going to Kent International Jamboree (KIJ). They will join up with the rest of British Scouting Overseas for a week of fun, friendship and learning. In total BSO will have over 150 young people attending the event from Northern Europe, Southern […]