2022 has been an amazing year full of adventurous activities for all our young people and volunteers. As District Commissioner I am proud to volunteer alongside so many incredible people who devote their time to providing our young people with skills for life.
Like most of this year our young people have been taking part in amazing activities that helps them build many of these important skills for life. Even up to this last week, I had the privilege of joining 1st Madrid at their annual Christmas Show which this year’s aim was to raise money for a member of the group who will be representing Southern Europe at next years World Scout Jamboree in South Korea. Many of our young people have been able to get back in the outdoors again at camps such as our district camp in the Pyrenees, Kent International Jamboree in addition to the many local level outdoor activities following a very difficult time. The biggest highlight for me this year was seeing how our district paid their respects firstly to the passing of Queen Elizabeth and secondly at remembrance services.
Finally the District Team and I, would like to wish everyone a happy festive season and encourage you all to take this much needed break before the new year.
???????? Joyeux Noël!
???????? ¡Feliz navidad!
???????? Buon Natale!
???????? Crăciun fericit!