On Thursday 2nd June 2022 I was one of the very lucky Cubs from 1st Bougival Wednesday Cubs to go to the Queens Jubilee in Paris. There was 15 of us all together – three from each section along with Justin (GSL) and Fiona (DGSL). We went on a coach, with us were 15 children from the British School of Paris (BSP). It was a hot and sunny day. It was very warm in our uniform.
Many of the roads had been closed off for the event so the traffic was horrendous. We were dropped off on the Champs Elysees and then we weaved our way through the crowds of people. We showed our tickets and crossed over the road onto the Arc de Triomphe roundabout. This was really cool because usually you have to go under the road, but we could walk where the cars would normally be racing and hooting their horns.
Every evening they re-light the flame at Arc de Triomphe. The event on Thursday was dedicated to the Platinum jubilee celebrations in honour of Queen Elizabeth II. We were surrounded by many different uniforms both French and English. The Ambassador of the United Kingdom, Her Excellency Dame Menna Rawlings, arrived in a Range Rover with a small flag on the bonnet. We had to wait a long time for President Macron to arrive in his Renault! The military bands played both the English and French national anthems.
Our cub leader Raksha (she is also in the RAF) presented a ginormous wreath to President Macron and the Ambassador. After receiving the wreath President Macron and the Ambassador relit the flame, with a golden sword. Then they went around speaking to people who were there including my friend Shaun who shook his hand. President Macron’s wife Bridget was really kind and spoke to our Beavers. There was a long wait until it was finished, President Macron went and a while later we went strolling back to the bus and had a safe journey back to BSP.
By Sam Haines